
Franchisee Feature: Victoria Wallace

Victoria Wallace, VFV

Meet Victoria Wallace, a driven Franchise Owner and dedicated athlete in Vancouver, British Columbia. Victoria started her Jani-King franchise on December 2, 2008, and has since built a life that balances business success with personal fulfillment.

Victoria immigrated from Russia to Canada, seeking new opportunities. Exploring various work and business options, she found the Jani-King franchise model appealing due to its blend of structured support and growth potential. “I decided to try a cleaning franchise as it was the most affordable option for me at the time,” she recalls.

Owning a Jani-King franchise has given Victoria both financial stability and the flexibility to pursue her passions. “It gives me free time and extra money to pay for my hobbies and training,” she says. One of her beloved hobbies is swimming.

Victoria’s swimming journey began at the age of 7, and she competed at the provincial level until she was 17. After moving to Canada, she swam recreationally for a decade. The COVID-19 pandemic reignited her dedication to the sport when gyms closed, and she turned to open water swimming. The combination of her favourite sport and the beauty of nature became a new passion. She participated in 3, 5, 6, and 12 km marathons, eventually joining the Coast Swimming Team.

Victoria’s dedication to swimming paid off with significant achievements. At the Provincial Championships in April 2024, she won two gold medals, earning her a spot at the Nationals, where she secured three silver medals and qualified for the World Championships in Singapore. Her long-term goal is ambitious and inspiring: “I met Betsy Brussel, the 100-year-old competitive swimmer who set many world records in her age group. My dream is to beat her records when I grow to her age.”

Victoria’s ability to balance her business and personal life is a key to her success. By working with subcontractors, she ensures her business runs smoothly while giving her the freedom to focus on her hobbies. “My work time is actually in the evenings, so I have half of the day for other aspects of my life,” she explains.

Throughout her journey, Victoria has drawn inspiration from various figures in the swimming world. As a child, her role model was Vladimir Salnikov, the Olympic record-holder in the 1500 freestyle in 1980. Today, she admires Katie Ledecky, the renowned American swimmer.

Victoria Wallace’s story is a powerful reminder that with determination and the right opportunities, one can build a fulfilling and balanced life. Whether it’s through her successful franchise or her impressive swimming achievements, Victoria continues to inspire those around her to pursue their passions and dreams.

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