At home you can remove your footwear at your door keeping the mess of winter contained; however, most businesses don’t have that luxury. That is why floor mats are your first defence against the dirt, salt and moisture that can be tracked in during winter months.

- Reduce Slip and Falls – Let’s keep the slip and falls at bay. Ensuring you have mats placed at all entrances where people may be entering from the outside is a good way to be pro-active in eliminating slip and falls.
- Saves You from a Mess – Mats have come a long way, and believe it or not, a lot of tech goes into them. Outside mats are great for outside your doors. These are designed to trap larger and heavier dirt and slush. They have no backing allowing the dirt and moisture to run through, meaning they can stay in place and are low maintenance for longer periods of time. Inside mats are best when they are carpet and have a rubber or vinyl backing. They are good at capturing the finer dirt and moisture as people do a final foot wipe when entering your business. The backing not only helps the mat drip to the floor, but also traps the dirt and moisture inside protecting your floors from damage.
- Long Live Your Floors – Flooring is not something you want to get in the habit of replacing. By putting the proper matting in the right places you can protect your floors from a world of hurt that salt and moisture bring through the winter. Don’t think that because you have carpet flooring that you are exempt. Carpets absorb the salt and moisture, resulting in long lasting damage that reminds you of winter all year around.
- Money Talks – We get it, mats cost more money – but so does paying for additional services to the clean up the mess and damage, and ultimately needing to replace your flooring. Enough said.
- Yes, customers look at your floors – You may think this is an area that is overlooked, or forgiven this time of year. We are here to say with confidence – it is not! Keep customers and staff focused on your business and not dodging puddles and dirt piles.
Winter still got to your floors? We can help restore them to their former glory and give them that vacation they deserve this time of year.