How the right Commercial Cleaning Company can make a difference.

Annual reviews, targets, strat plans – it’s that time of the year when businesses evaluate their performances, focusing on perfecting that magical formula to achieve the much desired yet mostly elusive “Productivity.”
Many companies have tried various approaches – standing desks, free coffee, adventurous outings, the list goes on. But productivity is not that complicated. You simply need to go back to basics and create a space where your employees can sit back, relax, and work.
If improving productivity is in your corporate mandate this year, take a step back and look around your office space. How long ago were your carpets and curtains cleaned? Is there clutter everywhere you look? Are your windows covered with grime? When your office space is not easy on the eyes, it’s a strain on the mind, and you can wave employee productivity goodbye.
This is when you need an experienced and dependable commercial cleaning service, like Jani-King of Manitoba. 30 years of commercial cleaning expertise has proven beyond any doubt that a clean space is crucial for employee productivity.
How can we be so sure about it? This is how.
Satisfied Customers = Motivated Employees.
Customer conversion is a tough game. Anything can turn off your potential sale – one wrong word, a simple slip, or a dusty floor. Numerous studies show that a clean commercial space is associated with feelings of pleasure, trust and attributed prestige (Yavetz and Gilbola, 2010). When your space can impress your customers, your employees will find it easier to convert them. From there on, the formula is simple!
Happy customers = Increased sales = Achieved targets = Motivated employees = Productivity
Improved Air Quality = Healthy Employees
When considering air quality, carpets are the last thing we think about. But did you know that clean carpets can actually improve the quality of air in your space?
Carpets act as air filters, trapping dust particles, bacteria, pollen and more that cause allergies and breathing difficulties like asthma. Come Spring and its pollens and Summer and the dust it brings, your clean carpet can be your first line of defence against the sniffles (and more serious allergies).
By using a reputed commercial carpet cleaning service to clean your carpets, you can rest easy about your carpets, and the air quality of your space. Jani-King of Manitoba uses safe cleaning materials and the latest technology to make sure that your carpets do their job – looking pretty while keeping your employees healthy
Inner Peace = Productive Employees
Commercial spaces are generally somewhat stressful. Unless your employees work in a chocolate factory (and sometimes despite that), it’s rare to be entirely content at work.
When you make an effort to create a clean and inviting space, it’s easier to motivate your team. Fresh floors, sparkling windows and most importantly clean toilets [yes, seriously], will create an environment of tranquility, bringing out the best in your people.
When your employees are not stressed out about dirty washrooms or funky-smelling cupboards, they are at their best, bringing out their productivity.
If you want to improve employee productivity this year, start with a clean space. A clean, well-organized workspace makes all the difference between employees who give it their all vs. employees who get frustrated. And when you look for a commercial cleaner, don’t forget to check out their track record. Experience and dependability matter, especially when you hand over something as important as the cleanliness of your workspace.
Employee productivity starts here. Get your FREE quote from Jani-King of Manitoba!